Privacy Policy
Last updated 13/12/2023

What do we do with data?

Quite simply, we securely store any data entered into our system and do not sell it to third parties, or pass it on without your express permission. Any data that we use internally will be anonymized and untraceable for your peace of mind and security.

In order to provide additional services such as integrated payments and accounts XenoPOS is required from time to time to share customer account information with partners such as Paypal, iZettle, Stripe, XendIT and Xero.

XenoPOS does not store any credit card information or payment details on our servers or elsewhere. All payments taken by XenoPOS are made via either Paypal, Stripe or XendIT secure payment architecture.

We collect, store and process data from both subscribers and customers.

  • Subscriber Information being the personal information relation to our subscribers so we can provide our service and support to those Subscribers. XenoPOS is the data controller of this Subscriber Information for the purposes of providing our service and support and maintaining records and contact details of our subscribers
  • Customer Information is the information relating to customers who our subscribers interact with in their business. Subscribers to our Service have sole responsibility to create GDPR compliant privacy policy in regards to collection of their customers information. We collect information under the direction of our subscribers and have no direct relationship with the customer.

If you are a Subscriber you must have inform your customers how you will use their data in particular if you provide the customer information to someone else

If you are a Customer or employee, then the subscriber if the controller of your information and you should contact them directly for assistance or questions in regards to your personal information

How Long the Data will be Retained

The Subscriber and Customer information we collect will be held as long as necessary.

Your Privacy Rights

You may access, change or correct information about your business by logging onto XenoPOS at any time or contacting XenoPOS us via the communication feature within your application. We may need to verify your identity before making any changes.

Account Activation and Deactivation

If you wish to deactivate your XenoPOS account, you can login to your account and cancel your subscription.

Promotional Communications

You may opt out of XenoPOS promotional communicated by using the unsubscribe link within each email. Even if you opt out of promotional campaign you will continue to receive messages in regards to our service such as billing notifications, technical and security notices.

Cookie Policy

The XenoPOS website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best possible user experience.

We use three main types of cookies on our website;

  • Session cookies that are deleted after each visit (Public users will have a completely anonymous session cookie).
  • Persistent cookies that remain in place across multiple visits to our sites.
  • Third party cookies for the capture of anonymous visits to our website and visitor analytics.

Without some of these cookies, the website would simply not work as well. Other cookies perform functions like recognizing you each time you visit the site, helping our team to understand which parts of the site you find most interesting and useful.

Find Out More

You 'll find out more information about cookies at which gives details on how to delete, restrict and remove cookies from your computer.